Sinclair's Iconoclastic Pistorius a.k.a AMI & Awan

Mindfulness based Cognitive-Hypnotherapy

(for the lost)





Abusing and using the world, as most of us do. Blaming the circumstances that came along.  I’ve been spiralling down ever since.

Me alone, in my secret misery – and as time passed, it became obvious.

I need help – it is not a secret anymore.

Investments in our mental health and physical wellbeing have lifetime returns, with interest.

Our Services

  • One session 60 mins – £65
  • Extended session 90 mins – £80
  • Group therapy £25 per session

Hypnotherapy and/ or personalised guided meditation to transform...

Group therapy

Group therapy, weekly or fornightly, with MR. Jeff Glover RGN RMN RNMS, every Sunday. (Up to 3-4 people). currently there is a waithing list for services.

Experiential Group Therapy
A small group, of up to eight people, are invited. Group work will cover enhancing people skills, personal development, confidence building and communication skills. The group ethos will reflect unconditioned positive regard towards fellow participants, mutual respect, openness and accepting change as a process of personal development.The group will be led by a mainstream mental health care practitioner, with experience in substance misuse, community care and management within the mental health field, in practice for over five decades. During this time also a large experiential group member for two years duration.
Initially it is planned to select potential members and to answer any questions or queries relating to the nature of experiential group work. This process should be completed by the end of December 2022. The group will commence sometime in January 2023. Briefly, I envisage weekly or fortnightly sessions each lasting between 60 and 90 minutes duration the cost per session would be £25 sterling the course will run for 20 sessions.


Snapshot of typical group activity

Experiential group work allows participants to focus on their own experiences, test and explore emotions, make some self-disclosures, confident in the knowledge that each member is shown respect and given time when highlighting, responding and/or reflecting their issue. Other members can explore and compare scenario’s, contribute and relate to their own experience, generating numerous ideas and approaches to a single issue. Opportunities arise throughout each session to gain theoretical and experiential understandings of group work.

The Format

The course would be run using the Zoom format. Course membership will follow an initial interview and submission of completed application.Course members will submit a summery after each session. Copy of all summary notes will be circulated to all members prior to following session, contents will be discussed as opening item at start of next session. A relevant reading list will be circulated to all members. Potential capacity for 2 x 8 person groups per month i.e. 1 group per week.A Certificate of attendance will be awarded to each candidate on completion of course

Mr Jeff Glover RGN RMN RNMS

Addressing prescription drug, narcotic and other addictions (excl.alcohol)
Dealing with self-harm, suicide (prevention), depression, chronic loneliness, existiential crisis, loss of religiuous faith/self-inquiry

Free of charge / Pro Bono

Bereavement and grief counselling, and help dealing with end of life and diagnosis/prognosis of terminal illness.

Free of charge / Pro Bono

Weight loss, block of 5 sessions: £220 (Includes hypnotherapy, nutrition plan, EOD phone check-in, exercise plan, and Personal Training if required and you happen to be
(in North-London area only)

Additional Information

  • Equipment and environment

For a session, all you need is a quiet place, a comfortable seat, possibly with headrest, making sure that you are undisturbed. For best results/experiences, it is recommended that you use a good quality pair of  headphones, as special sound effects are often used.

  • Exceptional Cases
    A 24/7 emergency phone consultation is available for clients requiring lengthier therapy.
  • If you think that your employer or company might fund your therapy, my fees differ
  • Therapy for people with criminal records or coping with substance abuse are protected by strict confidentiality under our privacy policy (GDPR and PHPA code of ethics).

My name is Tibor. Though we haven’t met, I know what you are going through. How do I know?

I know because I was you and I know I can help.

My skills are drawn from 20 years of in-depth, first-hand experinces and from the disciplines listed below.



Mindfulness is revealing the nature of our consciousness and non-dual selfhood, which is the baseline for all our actions, reactions, and energetic equilibrium. Your relationship to your thoughts is of paramount importance. It entirely determines the quality of your life. Dispassionate self-observation: the way in which a person directs their attention - mindfully or unmindfully, affects both the experiential bodily state of the person and the state of his or her brain. Mindful awareness involves directing our attention not just to the mental content of our thoughts, but to all emotions, sensations, perceptions and mind states that arise from those thoughts/perceptions. It is being aware of the processes of our minds in other words focused metacognition. Mindful awareness is the key to unlocking the automatic patterns that fetter the addicted brain, the mind that is addicted to identifying itself with every thought that appears. Neuroscientist Sam Harris says ”The habit of spending nearly every waking moment lost in thought leaves us at the mercy of whatever our thoughts happen to be. Meditation is a way of breaking this spell. Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to what actually matters. It's hard to imagine a more powerful productivity tool than that.” In my practice I use dualistic and non-dual mindfulness.


Hypnotherapy works on various levels of the consciousness, ranging from a simple relaxed but alert state of mind, through meditative levels, till the deep semi-conscious hypnotic state, which can all influence or completely modify the subconscious mind. You can actually perform and witness the process of change. Milton H. Ericson M.D. “We use hypnosis not as a cure, but as a means of establishing a favourable climate in which to learn. The unconscious mind works without your knowledge, and that is the way it prefers” Freud considered that if one could produce symptoms by giving suggestions to the unconscious., then it is also possible that the unconscious might produce illness on its own. Many people think that depth psychology originated solely from Freud's analytical insights. However, depth psychology and psychoanalysis actually originated from the practises of hypnosis, mesmerism and earlier esoteric disciplines.

Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal psychology, is a sub-field or school of psychology that integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. The transpersonal is defined as "experiences in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond the individual or person – The I - It is the field where we work without the self. Without I am this or that, rather just with I Am - If I am - at all… It has also been defined as "development beyond conventional, personal or individual levels" Issues considered in transpersonal psychology include ‘abolishment’ spiritual self-development, self beyond the ego paradox, peak experiences, spiritual crises, spiritual evolution, iconoclastic religious and epistemological conversions, altered states of consciousness, spiritual practices, and other sublime and/or unusually expanded experiences of living. The discipline attempts to describe and integrate spiritual experience within modern psychological theory and to formulate new theory to encompass such experience.


Coaching, guiding and positive-psychology can help when you are stuck in a desperate confusion, about how to move on. When you feel frozen and clueless about what and how. Deeply rooted programming and patterns, inbuilt strengths or weaknesses all influence if not determine our mindset. Taking care of the present moulds your future, so you will not have to waste time on fantasizing about it. The goal is to dis-identify ourselves from our adoptive, ever changing, masks and become aware of our negative patterns, habitual, automatic-thinking, which is sabotaging you in rational planning and progress. Using self-awareness, self-enquiry, mindfulness meditation, neuroplasticity, physical wellbeing and gratitude practices will enable you to harmonise your body, mind and heart to accomplish your goals. Instead of fighting the world and yourself, always trying to forcefully plan and achieve, coaching can help you recognize the flow of your life, which is effortless and already perfect. Irvin D. Yalom: “The path to decision maybe hard because it leads into the territory of both finiteness and groundlessness - domains soaked in anxiety.” Nevertheless, I can show you - there’s no ground to hit.


All conditions and disorders are predominantly caused by fear, resentment and trauma. Our childhood and later development shape every aspect of our lives. We do not respond to what happens, we respond to our perception of what happens.

 Regarding therapy, for some, the classic psychoanalytical approach is the way to open up and complete incomplete life experiences that feel incomplate i.e  to say it, cry it out loud. The Opportunity to talk about it, mourn it, then bury it.

Others might like to dig deeper into themselves, and wish to foundamentally  change, by facing their demons or establish a healthy, true relationship with their real Self.

Through a tailored combination of these therapies, everyone can find their own personalised mixture which works for them.

On the journey, some people discover that they need to address other areas of wellbeing like nutrition, meditation,  other may feel the need to go even deeper and try Self-inquiry, inner child healing, age regression, transpersonal guidance, or borderline experiences.

~ I know, it took courage to get here ~

Call to Action

There are always blind spots in our understanding of reality
and our place ‘in’ it, even therapists and astronauts have them.
You are not an error.

Take heed, do not squander your life.

Investments in our mental health and physical wellbeing have
lifetime returns,with interest.



